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​US immigration

America, the center of the world's economy, culture, and education
CIC will open the door

Immigration to the United States Why CIC?

Reasonable service cost

Immigration to the United States does not have to be expensive.
CIC provides the best service that puts the customer's future first at a reasonable cost.

Rich experience accumulated over 20 years

Since 1998, CIC has been helping clients from various countries wanting to relocate to the United States, Canada and Australia.
We have accumulated a lot of know-how by not only dealing with Koreans, but also dealing with various cases from various countries such as India, China, Mexico, the Philippines, and Mongolia.
For 100% approval, we will carefully analyze and prepare for factors that could be rejected to create the best results.

Securing a Qualified Employer

Except for investment immigration, the most effective way to immigrate to the United States is through employment immigration .
That's why it's so important to have a healthy employer who is financially strong and has a sustainable business.

CIC has more than 50 large employers in 20 US states.
In particular, we are securing various positions not only for unskilled jobs, but also for skilled jobs such as truck drivers and nurses who are guaranteed high salaries.

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CIC의 ​성공케이스


US Immigration Overview

  • ✉️ 그린카드란?
    그린카드는 미국으로가는 골든티켓으로 불리며 미국영주권을 뜻합니다. 신청인은 미국에서 영구적으로 체류할수 있고 고용된 회사에 근무하며 새로운 삶을 시작할 수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 혜택
    그린 카드를 이용해 미국의 세계적 수준의 교육, 강력한 국가 경제, 다양한 인종,지리적, 기후적 다양성등 투표권을 제외한 모든 권리를 미국시민권자와 같이 누릴수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 유효기간
    영주권은 최초 10년 동안 유효하며 이후 10년 단위로 갱신할 수 있고 미국거주 5년후 시민권이 신청이 가능합니다. 매년 제한된 수의 취업이민 비자만 발급 되기 때문에 최대한 서두르셔야 합니다.

Types of immigrant visas

비자종류 원 01.png
비자종류 원 02.png

Family invitation immigrant visa

Basically, due to the invitation of a family member who is a citizen or a permanent resident
This is when you will be granted permanent residency in the United States.

* The spouse of a citizen is not affected by the quota system as 0 priority.
The family invitation immigrant visa process is relatively fast, and you do not receive a permanent resident right away.
Temporary permanent residency is granted first, and permanent residency is granted only after a certain period of time has elapsed.

F1 (1st place)

unmarried children of citizens 

F2  (2nd place)

Spouses and children of permanent residents, unmarried children


Spouses and children of permanent residents


Unmarried children over the age of 21 of permanent residents

F3  (3rd place)

married children of citizens

F4  (4th place)

Siblings of adult citizens

work immigrant visa

In recognition of your individual ability, you will be sponsored by an employer in the United States (on the premise of employment).

EB2  (2nd place)

Applicants with a high degree of education serving the national interest of the United States 

- Most of the applicants have a master's degree or higher or have a bachelor's degree + 5 years or more of experience, but in reality, it is difficult to get recognition for their work experience abroad.

In the case of National Interest Waiver (NIW) similar to EB1,  As it belongs to EB2, it follows the EB2 quota system.
(However, in this case, sponsor and LC are omitted as in EB1)

Nurses (RNs) and physical therapists in Schedule A classified as tribal occupations in the United States are based on their educational background and experience.
Again, it is classified as EB2 or EB3 and follows the quota system, and the work permit (LC) process can be omitted.
This requires passing the more demanding *VISA SCREEN*.

EB3  (3rd place)

Applicants (not highly educated) who serve the national interest of the United States

- It is divided into professional, skilled and unskilled. Skilled requires a job-related bachelor's degree, and unskilled can be obtained with an unrelated degree.

EB4  (4th place)

Certain special applicants, religious immigration

- A member of a licensed non-profit religious organization, etc.

EB5  (5th place)

Applicants who can invest more than 100,000 dollars and create national interests that create employee employment effects
It is actually
a category that corresponds to investment immigration.

- It was originally more than 500,000 dollars, but it was changed in November 2019 and now requires an investment of more than 900,000 dollars.
- It is divided into 4 categories: C5, T5, R5, I5.

Note: 'The higher the ranking, the faster the procedure, and each procedure has its own procedure period.

EB1 (1st place)

Applicants who are outstanding talents in fields such as science/art/physical education/business

- The LC (work permit) is omitted because there is no need for sponsors such as eminent professors and researchers, executives/managers of multinational corporations, etc.

The first step to permanent residency in the United States is important

Choosing a route that suits your condition and situation is of utmost importance.
We will show you the path that is most helpful to you from your point of view.


unskilled immigration

Education, work experience, English

Unskilled program with no conditions


nurse immigration

More than 2 years of working experience

program for nurses


truck driver immigration

2+ years of experience

Program for heavy truck drivers


CIC GLOBAL ㅣ CEO Kim Tae-gi ㅣ Address: 7-4, 6th floor, 8, Gangnam-daero 53-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

Business registration number: 274-48-00715 ㅣ Inquiries by e-mail: ㅣ Customer Center: 02-6382-2823 (Weekdays 10:00 - 18:30)

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