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Immigration to Canada - Federal Immigration

Federal Immigration Express entry

CIC, a professional partner for fast immigration and federal immigration

Express Immigration : Express Entry

1. Express Entry (EE) System and Basic Eligibility

It is a fast and efficient online federal permanent residency application system that has been in operation since January 1, 2015.
In order to register online, you must meet the basic application qualifications for at least one of the three immigration categories that were previously operated to accept professional manpower as shown below.

If one or more of the basic application qualifications for each immigration category are possible, and you register an online profile, the registered profile is valid for one year and can be updated frequently to increase your score. For registration, proof of language proficiency (IELTS-GT or CELPIP for English test, TEF or TCF official test score for French test) and vocational and educational background (certificate of academic background in case of academic background outside Canada) are required.

Applicants who qualify for one or more of the three basic applications (FSW, CEC, FST) will register for the EE Online Profile and receive a score assessed by the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). On a weekly basis (about every other week), regardless of immigration category or category, 3,000 to 5,000 people with high scores are usually selected and an invitational ITA (Invitation to Apply) letter is issued online.
When you receive an ITA, you can quickly obtain permanent residency in about 6 months if there are no defects in the documents after uploading the documents that meet all the correct criteria, including background check, online as stipulated.

※ Bridging Open Work Permit
Applicants who have work permits due to expire within 4 months in Canada can apply for an Open Work Permit that allows them to work anywhere without any restrictions without a fixed employer by attaching an Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) letter received when the ITA is received and documents are uploaded before receiving permanent residency It can be extended by one year.


In a new place
The challenge
CIC will be with you

The US immigration process is different from Canada and Australia.
It is a safe program that allows you to obtain permanent residency first and then enter the United States.
However, there may be disadvantages in the procedure time when applying in Korea.
We recommend that you find the fastest and safest route after consulting with the head office.

Immigration for Professionals (FSWP: Federal Skilled Workers Program)

Must have at least one consecutive full-time paid work experience within the last 10 years in one occupation that falls under the National Occupational Classification NOC O, A, B (Administrative, Professional, Technically Permanent). It is the most traditional federal immigration system in existence for more than 20 years of the current immigration class.
In all areas, language proficiency of IELTS 6.0 (general training module) or higher and holders of overseas academic backgrounds other than Canada, such as Korea, require an ECA (Educational Credential Assessment) for overseas education. For the Professional Workforce Immigration (FSW) program, after obtaining language CLB 7 (IELTS 6.0 in all areas) and academic qualification documents, you must score at least 67 in the score table below to register for the EE profile.

※ Professional Immigration Judgment Table (at least 67 out of 100 points)

Canada Experience Class (CEC)

Experience immigration, which started on September 17, 2008, places importance on the experience of adapting to Canada, which is possible if you have had legal experience in Canada for one year out of the last three years in managerial, professional, and technical occupations that fall under NOC O, A, and B in the local area. This is the most common federal immigration system in recent years.
- NOC O, CLB 7 for A (IELTS 6.0)
- CLB 5 for NOC B (IELTS 5.0)

※ CEC immigration receives the most invitations in 2020 and early 2021. (April 1 / 5,000 people / 432 points) 

Skilled Skilled Trades Program (FSTP: Federal Skilled Trades Program)

It is a federal immigration system that was newly designed and piloted in 2012 to accommodate immigration from people working in certain technical and technical occupations, particularly in high demand in Canada, and was the last of the three Express Entry programs to qualify for enrollment.

● Qualifications

  • English score of CLB 5 (CLB4 for reading and writing) or higher (IELTS speaking/listening: 5.0, reading: 3.5, writing: 4.0)

  • Full-time full-time employee with a Canadian employment contract of 1 year or more or an official Canadian-issued technical qualification related to the relevant technology

  • At least 2 years of full-time work experience (or equivalent part-time work experience) in the last 5 years

  • Applicable occupational groups (NOC B or higher must be in the following occupations)

- NOC Code 72: Industrial, Electrical, Construction
- NOC Code 73: maintenance, equipment operator
- NOC Code 82: Managers or Technicians for Natural Resources, Agriculture and Related Production
- NOC Code 92: Manufacturing, Processing and Utility Supervisors and Central Control Operators
- NOC Code 632: Chefs, Chefs
- NOC Code 633 : Butcher, Baker

Educational background is not required, but due to the nature of federal immigration, selection is made based on the Express Entry CRS score, so it can be used for the purpose of adding scores by relatively increasing academic background.

The FSTP, selected on August 6, 2020, selected a total of 250 people, and the lowest score was 415 points.
On October 16, 2019, 500 people were selected, so the score was 357, which is rather low, and there are differences in scores depending on the number of people selected.

Canadian Language Benchmarks by English Test and French Test 1 to 12

Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) – General Test score equivalency chart

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – General Training – Test score equivalency chart

Test d'évaluation de français pour le Canada (TEF Canada) Test score equivalency chart

Test de connaissance du français pour le Canada (TCF Canada) Test score equivalency chart

2. EE System Essentials

  • No restrictions on profile creation, registration, or deadline

  • No limit on the number of applicants (as of 2021, more than 150,000 people are enrolled in the pool)

  • Top-ranking applicants with the highest score will be selected first.

  • After being selected (ITA), it usually takes 60 days to file an official immigration application by uploading documents.

  • Relatively very fast procedures are possible, usually around 6 months

  • CEC is not limited to experience immigration, but is applied in conjunction with various programs such as various state governments

  • Existing categories such as provincial government immigration, FSW professional immigration, CEC experience immigration, and FST skilled occupational immigration are maintained as they are. procedure is possible. If you receive an ITA or NOI, you can be sure that you will be approved for permanent residence as long as there are no problems with entry qualifications such as errors in documents and crimes.

3. EE Comprehensive Ranking System Score System

Profile registration, included in the EE Pool, and automatic score competition and ranking system

Composition of the comprehensive ranking system (out of 1,200 points in total)

Core / human capital factor
Personnel score: single maximum 500 points, married maximum 460 points

Skills transferability factor
Personnel score: single maximum 500 points, married maximum 460 points

Spouse or common-law partner factor
Personnel score: single maximum 500 points, married maximum 460 points

Additional points
Personnel score: single maximum 500 points, married maximum 460 points

A. Core / Human Capital Factors (Human Resources Points/Maximum 500 Points)

Core / Human Capital Factors Total

460 points

500 points

B. Spouse Factors (spouse score/maximum 40 points)

※ Maximum score of A + B: 500 points

Spouse Factors Total

40 points

C. Skill Transferability Factors (skill points/ up to 100 points)

※ Maximum score of A + B: 500 points

D. Additional Points (other points/maximum 600 points)

※ Maximum score of A + B + C + D: 1200 points

Application process

  • ✉️ 그린카드란?
    그린카드는 미국으로가는 골든티켓으로 불리며 미국영주권을 뜻합니다. 신청인은 미국에서 영구적으로 체류할수 있고 고용된 회사에 근무하며 새로운 삶을 시작할 수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 혜택
    그린 카드를 이용해 미국의 세계적 수준의 교육, 강력한 국가 경제, 다양한 인종,지리적, 기후적 다양성등 투표권을 제외한 모든 권리를 미국시민권자와 같이 누릴수 있습니다.
  • ✉️ 유효기간
    영주권은 최초 10년 동안 유효하며 이후 10년 단위로 갱신할 수 있고 미국거주 5년후 시민권이 신청이 가능합니다. 매년 제한된 수의 취업이민 비자만 발급 되기 때문에 최대한 서두르셔야 합니다.

Federal Immigration Express entry

If you have Canadian experience

fastest and most advantageous

직장 동료

State Employment Immigration

Canadian Permanent Residency Standard

Employment and permanent residency at the same time


Immigration after study abroad

study and residency

at the same time


CIC GLOBAL ㅣ CEO Kim Tae-gi ㅣ Address: 7-4, 6th floor, 8, Gangnam-daero 53-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul

Business registration number: 274-48-00715 ㅣ Inquiries by e-mail: ㅣ Customer Center: 02-6382-2823 (Weekdays 10:00 - 18:30)

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